Prawn Cocktail Canapes

2 tbs good-quality low-fat mayonnaise
1 tbs low-fat Greek yoghurt
1/4 cup (60ml) tomato sauce (ketchup)
1 tbs lemon juice, plus lemon wedges to serve
1/2 iceberg lettuce
18 round wafer crispbreads (we used Falwasser crispbreads – see note)
18 small cooked prawns, peeled, deveined
18 flat-leaf parsley leaves

Step 1: For the cocktail sauce, whisk together mayonnaise, yoghurt, tomato sauce, lemon juice and some sea salt and freshly ground black pepper in a bowl. Taste and adjust to your liking. Set aside.

Step 2: Take the greenest leaves from the iceberg lettuce, roll them up and thinly slice into shreds.

Step 3: To serve, top each crispbread with a tiny smear of cocktail sauce, a good pinch of shredded lettuce and a prawn. Drizzle with remaining cocktail sauce, top with a parsley leaf and serve with lemon wedges.

Brochettes de Viande aux Champignons

Les ingrédients (quantités pour 6 personne(s))
960161_574507375904144_1748614386_nQuasi de veau : 250 g
Rumsteck : 250 g
Blanc(s) de poulet : 250 g
Gigot(s) d’agneau : 0.25 pièce(s)
Champignon(s) de Paris : 500 g
Brie de Meaux : 100 g
Vinaigre balsamique réduit : 5 cl
Sel fin : 10 g
Moulin à poivre : 10 tour(s)
Huile d’olive : 3 cl
Description de la recette
Parer la viande et la couper en cubes de 2 cm de côté. Piquer chaque type de viande sur des pics, saler et poivrer les brochettes puis les cuire sur la plancha, ou dans une poêle inox avec un filet d’huile d’olive.

Tailler le Brie de Meaux en dés.
Couper les champignons de Paris en fines lamelles, puis les poêler avec un filet d’huile d’olive. Assaisonner et ajouter les dés de fromage au dernier moment, puis servir aussitôt.

Servir les brochettes avec la poêlée de champignons au brie.

Tuna Salad Sandwich

1 can white tuna (drained and flaked)
3 celery sticks (finely diced)
½ red or green capsicum (diced finely)
¼ cup sweet relish
½ cup or less Thousand Island Dressing
2 large boiled egg (thinly sliced)
¼ tsp salt
Black pepper to taste
For Assembling:
4 Grande Italian sandwich rolls
Tomato slices
4 lettuce leaves

Herb-Stuffed Salmon with Roasted Vegetables

1 tbsp olive oil
Knob of butter
1 small onion
2 courgettes, finely chopped
4 tbsp white wine
2 tbsp parsley, chopped
1 tsp thyme, chopped
4 sprigs fresh tarragon
2 whole salmon fillets
Salt and black pepper
Sprigs of tarragon
Sprigs of lemon thyme
3 fennel bulbs, trimmed and quartered
1kg (2¼lb) baby new potatoes
400g (14oz) small carrots, peeled and halved
6 tbsp olive oil
2 lemons


Heat the oil and the butter in a pan and cook the onions for 3-4 minutes. Add the courgettes and cook for 4-5 minutes. Turn up the heat, add the wine and cook until the liquid evaporates. Season. Allow to cool.
Stir in the chopped herbs. Set to one side.
Wash and dry the salmon fillets and remove any stray bones.
Place one fillet, skin-side down on the work surface. Season, and then heap the stuffing over the fillet and place the second fillet, skin-side up, on top.
Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil.
Add the fennel to the pan and cook for 4-5 minutes. Remove the fennel and set the pan aside. Add the potatoes and carrots and cook for 5 minutes. Drain.
Place a single layer of fennel, potatoes and carrots in a large roasting tin. Add 5 tablespoons of the oil to the veg and squeeze in the juice of half a lemon. Season.
Preheat the oven to 200˚C390˚Fgas mark 6. Roast the veg for 10 minutes, stirring once. Drizzle the fish with the oil and place the fish on top of the veg. Squeeze the second half of the cut lemon over the fish. Stir the veg to coat in the oil. Roast for 50 minutes, basting the fish once or twice, or until the fish is just cooked at the centre. Serve the fish on a bed of roasted vegetables.

Avocado, Cheese, Tomato and Basil Panini


1 panini roll
1 tablespoon of basil pesto
¼ avocado, sliced
30g Cathedral City Lighter, sliced
3 slices of tomato
4 basil leaves (optional)

Cut the panini roll in half lengthways and spread one half with the pesto. Lay the avocado, cheese and tomato onto the bottom half and place the basil leaves on top. To cook, either position place the top half of the roll on the panini and cook the roll in your panini press or place the open panini under a medium grill for 3-4 minutes until the cheese starts to melts. Toast the top separately and place on the panini. Cut in half and serve straight away with some salad.

Muffin à la Mangue et à l’Orange

2 oeufs
1 mangue coupée en petits morceaux
1 orange, zeste et jus
1/2 tasse de compote
1/3 tasse d’huile de canola
1/2 tasse de sucre
1 c. à table de sirop d’érable
2 tasses de farine
1 c. à thé de bicarbonate de soude
2 c. à thé de poudre à pâte
1/4 c.à thé de sel
1/4 c. à thé de muscade
1 c. à thé de cannelle
1/2 tasse de raisins dorés

ÉTAPE 1: Dans un grand bol, mélanger les 7 premiers ingrédients. Dans un autre bol, mélanger les ingrédients secs. Ajouter ces derniers au premier mélange sans trop brasser. Ajouter les raisins secs et mélanger doucement.

ÉTAPE 2: Faire chauffer le four à 350 °F. Graisser 12 moules à muffins et y répartir la pâte.

ÉTAPE 3: Faire cuire environ 20 minutes.

Pineapple, Apple and Mint Juice

1/4 cup caster sugar
1 large (1.8kg) pineapple, peeled, chopped
1/3 cup fresh mint leaves
1.5 litres apple juice
ice cubes, to serve

Step 1: Combine sugar and 1/2 cup water in a small saucepan over medium heat. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes or until water comes to the boil and sugar dissolves. Remove from heat. Refrigerate until cold.

Step 2: Place pineapple and 1/4 cup mint in a food processor. Process until finely chopped. Strain pineapple mixture into a 2-litre jug. Add 1 cup of the pineapple and mint pulp. Add apple juice and sugar syrup. Stir to combine. Serve with ice and remaining mint leaves.

Vegan Mango-Chia Seed Coconut Ice Pops

Prep time: 15-20 mintes (plus freezing time)

Ingredients (makes 6 pops or more, depending of the size of your mold):
  • 3/4 cup organic dried mango, chopped
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 cup coconut milk beverage (we use Silk Pure Coconut)
  • 1 cup canned coconut milk*
  • 3 tbsp of sugar
  • 1/4 tsp orange blossom water (optional)
  1. Soak dried mango and chia seeds in coconut milk beverage for 15 minutes
  2. In a large bowl, combine canned coconut milk, sugar and orange blossom water. Mix well until the sugar has dissolved.
  3. Add soaked mango, chia seeds and coconut milk beverage
  4. Pour mixture into ice pop mold and place in the freezer until hard
  5. Enjoy!! From May I Have That Recipe

*Tip: Freeze extra canned coconut milk in an ice cube tray and use later in soups, desserts, etc!

Crêpes Délicieuses

547e0fc755486632e7bb39e1012c832fIngrédients (pour 15 crêpes) :
– 300 g de farine
– 3 œufs entiers
– 3 cuillères à soupe de sucre
– 2 cuillères à soupe d’huile
– 50 g de beurre fondu
– lait (environ 30 cl), à doser jusqu’à la ce que le liquide épaississe
– un petit verre à liqueur de rhum.
Préparation de la recette :
Mettre la farine dans une terrine et former un puits. Mettre les œufs entiers, le sucre, l’huile et le beurre.

Mélanger délicatement avec un fouet en ajoutant au fur et à mesure le lait. La pâte ainsi obtenue doit avoir une consistance d’un liquide légèrement épais.

Faire chauffer une poêle anti-adhésive et y déposer quelques gouttes d’huile. Faire cuire les crêpes à feu doux.

Remarques :
Avantage de cette recette : pas besoin de rajouter de l’huile dans la poêle à chaque crêpe, ce qui leur donne un meilleur goût et une belle couleur. (ndrl : voir aussi notre sélection de recettes de crêpes pour la Chandeleur.)

Conseil vin :
un cidre doux

Homemade Mini-Pizza



  • 1 batch of gluten-free pizza dough *see note
  • 1/2 cup brown rice flour
  • 1 cup marinara sauce *see note
  • 1 cup pre-cooked meat – I used a mixture of swiss salami and ground bison
  • 1 cup fresh spinach, chopped
  • 1/2 yellow onion, sliced
  • 6 mushrooms, sliced
  • 1/4 cup sun dried tomatoes, chopped
  • 4 basil leaves, chopped


  1. Prepare pizza dough per steps 1-5 on recipe. Preheat oven to 425F, not 400F.
  2. Once your dough is in the bowl, cover with plastic wrap and allow to rise for 20 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, combine all remaining ingredients except rice flour in a large bowl. Stir to mix and set aside.
  4. Flour your workstation with a bit of the brown rice flour and grab a quarter of the raised dough. Knead for a moment or two in the flour so that the dough doesn’t stick to the counter, or your hands.
  5. Work the dough into a circle, about 8 inches wide so that the dough is 1/4 inch thick. Spoon about 1/2 cup of the veggie mixture onto one half of the circle, leaving room at the ends to seal shut. If there is remaining space, fill before folding over the dough and pressing the corners down with the end of a fork.
  6. Place pizza pop on prepared baking sheet and repeat steps 4 and 5 with remaining dough.